Difference between Summon and Warrant

Howdy readers, today we are going to learn the difference between summon and warrant.
Summon and warrant are two very common terms used in courts. Very little difference is considered between these two, but today I am going to tell you some differences between summons and warrant in this article.
Difference between summon and warrant
No one knows the difference between these two words correctly. Most people do not even know what is the meaning of these two terms. Maybe you don’t even know, so let me tell you, there is a lot of difference between these two.
What is summon?
When a case is filed or registered against a person in court, it is necessary for the said person to be present in the court.
Summon is a piece of a document issued by the court directing the person against whom a case is filed or registered to be present in this court on the date of hearing.
In common language, you can also say such a legal notice that is issued in civil and criminal cases. The summon is either sent from a registered post or a person from the court comes to give it personally.
When a summon is received by a person, he has to sign it. After that, it is assumed that the person has been served with the summons.
What is a warrant?
A warrant is called a legal document. A warrant is issued to arrest any person, or a warrant can also be issued for the search of someone’s home or office, etc.. It’s called a search warrant
Difference between summons and warrant, although the police cannot arrest anyone without a warrant, still there are circumstances when someone can be arrested without a warrant. Arrest without a warrant is considered a violation of the fundamental right guaranteed under the constitution of India
Only the magistrate has the right to issue a warrant, no other person can issue a warrant. A warrant is a written document on which he signs the issue and his designation is written, as well as a warrant indicating the offense for which it has been issued.
I hope you have understood what the difference between warrants and summon is. By the way, in simple language, a warrant is issued in a criminal case, and summon can be issued in both civil and criminal cases.
When does summon issue in a criminal case?
When a witness in a criminal case of any nature, is called to the court, summon is issued for him.
I hope you have now understood what the warrant is and what is the summon and what is the difference between the two.
If you still have any kind of doubt then you can ask in the comments below, I will definitely reply.